Thursday, June 18, 2009

"...Lord, if thou wilt..." Mt 8:2

Is the Lord hindered by any power? Can anything stop him from performing that which he desires to see accomplished? Is there anything that he created that can withstand him, when his will is to be done? All the answers to these questions would certainly be an emphatic no. We are not engaged in some kind of tug of war between the forces of God, and the forces of the world and Satan. Let us remember at all times that he who created, also retains the power to control. When all things seem to be going awry, and it seems all hope is lost, we must remember that though the situation is out of our hands it is never out of his. This leper realized that the Lord was the only one who was able to give any kind of comfort to his dying body, and soul; so he made the right move. He did not go to try and get better on his own. Nor did he seek help from anybody else who was in his same case; but rather he sought at first opportunity to the Lord for his help. There is little we can do for our own selves, and not much more that anybody else can do for us, but we can always seek at once the Saviour and find him to be a help no matter what we face. This leper sought the Lord in the prescribed fashion, as he is pleased with and requires; that is in faith. There was no question as to whether or not the Lord could cleanse him, but rather would he be so kind as to be willing to cleanse him? Any honest person, when viewing the debauchery of their life, when seeking the Lord would be wise to make their request in the same fashion; " If thou wilt". What an amazing question the grace of God places within the mind; not a question of power, but of will, and as Fanny Crosby put it:
The vilest offender who truly believes
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Today he is willing.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"The name of the Lord is a stong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." Pro 18:10

There is no safer place for us than under the protection, full faith and credit of the King of Heaven himself. Oh the thought that just his name is sufficient to make demons flee. His name is enough to summon the support of all the angels that do his bidding. His name alone holds the power to shake the foundations of heaven and earth. His name is enough to turn the impossible into done. What a wonderful name it is... Jesus. There is no other name that speaks comfort to the heart of the grieving, as does this name. There is no other name so universally recognized as a name of peace. His name is sufficient to calm fears, settle disputes, cure anxieties, and a myriad of other woes we face on this earth. It is so sad that while the name of Jesus does and can do all these things, it is also the most universally hated names as well. Every day it seems as if the devil finds another new way to blaspheme the wonderful name by which we are called. His munitions would attempt to destroy all credibility associated with the name of Christ, but we may be sure that his attempts will fail at length. Let us, who are chosen of God in salvation, find all comfort in the lovely name of Jesus. Let us run into the strong tower as soon as the sleep is gone from our eyes, and be found in the fight against all spiritual wickedness within the safety of this strong tower. We need this strong tower, for we never want to meet the devil on his own turf. Let us rise above the fray and fight. With how great the name of Jesus is, let us pause to reflect upon Ps 138:2 "... thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."

Monday, June 1, 2009

"... great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend." Job 37:5

What is God doing? We often find ourselves asking this question because we simply do not know. We are all too often reminded that "his ways are not our ways" and that he is higher, holier, and far wiser than the best specimen we can provide him. God is not answerable to any of us, no matter what we may think, he does not have to explain himself to us under any circumstances. Gods sovereignty is a difficult thing for our proud flesh to cope with much of the time, but we must tame ourselves, and realize that when we do not know what he is doing, he still does. How many times has it been that God was up to something, and we were questioning and complaining; while the whole time it was working out to our benefit? The great thing about God is that he does great things! He is unlimited in his resources, unmatched in his power, and unrelenting in his will; so when he does something it will always be great. When we view the finished product of the Lord we can always stand in awe, and cry out "what hath God wrought", for it will be beyond comprehension, and explanation. Let us not grow weary when we do not understand the way God is moving, and think that he is plotting against us; for he loves us. We must be keenly aware of the fact that there is no power that we hold to stay his hand, and if he were to desire our destruction he could do it in a moment, without any constraint. How great it is though, that he is not doing that; but rather is working "all things together for good to them that love God".