Saturday, July 25, 2009

"... he himself knew what he would do." Jn 6:6

Have you ever come to a place in your life where you did not know what to do, which way to turn, or where to go? Certainly we all have. We will, from time to time come to these dilemmas in life. At such times as these faith must take over, and know that even though we don't know, he does. The disciples had come to this such place in our text, and were faced with problems too big for them to handle. The crowd was too great fro the resources they had, and they did not know if the town even had enough for them to go and buy, so they might all eat a little. It is at these times, when our Lord knows already what he is going to do; so we must flee to him, and ask him for his will, for his provision, for his guidance. These times, as frightening as they may be, are some of the most blessed times in our Christian pilgrimage. Had the disciples not been placed in this situation they never would have seen this mighty display of Gods power through his anointed, the Lord Jesus. Had they not been in this situation they would have never had their faith confirmed in such a grand manner as this. Here they stood, in the place of either showing through as true servants of the Living God, or as being counterfeits. They did not depend upon themselves in this situation, but on the Lord. The disciples were not aware of his plan, that he already had, but he was. When we find ourselves in a place as this, we can rise up on wings of faith, and believe that the God who formed the universe not only knows about tomorrow, but also knows what he will do. The Lord does not make hasty decisions, he has everything planned; so let us trust his leading knowing that "he himself (knows) what he (will) do.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"... whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he." Pro. 16:20

The source of all spirituality is based upon the single contingency of faith. We as the children of God should be well acquainted with faith, as it is the reason we enjoy the standing that we have with our creator. We through faith, are able not only to view God Almighty as our creator, as the rest of his creation does, but we are able to rise up and call him Father. Oh what a divine privilege is enjoyed by us, all because of faith. Were it not for our faith in the atoning blood of Christ, the wonderful grace of God that is explained with no better word than amazing would be of no effect to us. We who have experienced the grace of God in salvation have not done so upon a special merit of our own; but rather, it is predicated on faith in what he has done for us already. Where else but with our God do you find such profound simplicity? When we trust him we are saved, for when we trust him we are pleasing him. We find that it is an utter impossibility to please our God outside of the confines of faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please him..." Heb 11:6. The pleasure of God should be every child of his' delight as we live here below. How amazing though, that we find when we please him, he will give us more than salvation, but joy as well! Too often we think that we can find joy in the things of this world, with all of it's delights, and attractions that try to allure our souls. We must shrug off the world with all of it's passing fancies, and seek to please him who is above this world, and owns all that is contained within. We will find the word of God to be a sure foundation, and when we begin to trust him, we will find the joy we desire, to flow out of his bosom and fill us with all gladness.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever." Ps. 125

What a standing we are given when we put our trust in the proper place. There is no other nation, religion, tribe, ethnicity, or any other entity that can boast of such a claim. We are not promised that we will endure for a time; but rather that we will abide for ever. Often times we think of the Christian life as pure endurance, (which for some it certainly is) when, if our faith does not waiver from our heavenly Father, our life is a constant abiding with profound peace. We are able to abide with HIM!!! No power is able to shake us from his side. (Wow I am getting excited) The devil will unleash all of his furies against us, just as nature has against mount Zion for some 6,000 +/- years; and just as nature has never shaken mount Zion from it's foundations, Satan can never shake us from ours. This place where we abide is not in the vicinity of our God, but in his awesome presence. When we abide with him we can boldly say " If GOD be for us, who can be against us", and again, "the LORD is my helper I will not fear what man may do unto me". We who have trusted Jesus as our personal Saviour have promise of eternal life, we also have promise of eternal protection. We can know for sure that whatever may come, our Heavenly Father will always be there, and will never suffer the foot of the righteous to be removed. Where we put our trust is of utmost importance; if we trust government, it will fail. If we trust man, they will die. If we trust ourselves, we will be dismayed by our own weaknesses; but if we trust the LORD, he will never fail; if we trust the LORD, we will never fail.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"...the time is at hand." Rev 22:10

When we see all that is taking place in the world today, with Israel becoming a burdensome stone to all of the nations of the world. With evil men and seducers waxing worse and worse. With idolatry rising in all shapes and forms, and being accepted as what is respectable. Blasphemy spewing from the media of all types. Government placing wickedness before righteousness. Murder being exalted, and promoted as a personal choice, while the murderers receive special treatment from the state. Churches giving in, and accepting wickedness, even allowing it a platform upon which to stand. The Bible, which is our privilege to have and hold, being pushed out of all public arenas. (While our society would not even exist without it.) Pastors are giving in to the contemporary crowd, and bringing in rock bands to appease an unregenerate congregation. We (who still believe the truth) sometimes sit back and wonder how much longer it will be before the Lord returns, and takes vengeance on such a wicked place as we live in. Let us not despair, for the time surely is at hand. We must remember that wickedness and violence is nothing new to this world. Before our days were the times when you would be subject to be burned at the stake for holding to the truth of the word of God. Certainly these are wicked and dark days that we live in, but remember that Christians have always lived lives of adversity, and yet peace. There should be no doubt in our minds that the Lord will soon return, so let us be faithful, and diligent that we be found at all times serving him.