Thursday, July 16, 2009

"... whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he." Pro. 16:20

The source of all spirituality is based upon the single contingency of faith. We as the children of God should be well acquainted with faith, as it is the reason we enjoy the standing that we have with our creator. We through faith, are able not only to view God Almighty as our creator, as the rest of his creation does, but we are able to rise up and call him Father. Oh what a divine privilege is enjoyed by us, all because of faith. Were it not for our faith in the atoning blood of Christ, the wonderful grace of God that is explained with no better word than amazing would be of no effect to us. We who have experienced the grace of God in salvation have not done so upon a special merit of our own; but rather, it is predicated on faith in what he has done for us already. Where else but with our God do you find such profound simplicity? When we trust him we are saved, for when we trust him we are pleasing him. We find that it is an utter impossibility to please our God outside of the confines of faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please him..." Heb 11:6. The pleasure of God should be every child of his' delight as we live here below. How amazing though, that we find when we please him, he will give us more than salvation, but joy as well! Too often we think that we can find joy in the things of this world, with all of it's delights, and attractions that try to allure our souls. We must shrug off the world with all of it's passing fancies, and seek to please him who is above this world, and owns all that is contained within. We will find the word of God to be a sure foundation, and when we begin to trust him, we will find the joy we desire, to flow out of his bosom and fill us with all gladness.

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