Thursday, August 13, 2009

" For the LORD'S portion is his people..." Deut. 32.9

The portion that we have in this life varies from person to person, some people have a large lot, they have all the money they can stand, they have the finest of clothes the nicest of vehicles, fanciest of houses; all that one may seem to desire. On the other hand there are others, whose portion it is to be in a meager house, with clothes sufficient to cover their back, they don't eat the finest of meals, their vehicles need constant work to keep them running. These things have been true throughout history, as we read in Ecclesiastes. It seems there is little we can do to effect our portion on this life; for, " there is that spendeth, and yet increaseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, yet it tendeth to penury". Whatever our lot is we should be content therewith, yet always seek more, and better ways to please God with our lives, and our means. This passage does not say anything about our portion though, WE (the children of God) are HIS portion. As we should properly be content with our lot, God Almighty certainly is with his. He delights in us as his children. When we do things to dishonor him, he still delights in us. This blessedness does not come on us from any goodness of our own, but through the imputed righteousness of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. What a grand thought, that we are Gods portion; what a grand responsibility, we are Gods portion. Our lives should be ever spent to the glory of God as we are his portion. When people look at us in this world, they see that we are all that God has on this earth. The whole creation has been corrupted by sin, and we, as his children are the only part of creation to this point that has been redeemed. Let us live up to our Lords pleasing, and make his, a glorious portion on this earth.

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