Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"... He hath done all things well..." Mk 8:37

Oh how we all could say an emphatic amen to that statement. How many times has it been that we were in the midst of some trial that it seemed would never end, and it seemed to have no purpose; but at last we came through and saw that the Lord was working all the way through the storm. That may be your case today; in the heat of a battle, or in the midst of a great storm; don't forget all the other times where the Lord even Jesus has taken you through and turned the devils trials into the Christians blessing. There have been cases in my life personally that things just did not make sense at the time, but in the end I could certainly say "He hath done all things well." Remember young Esther when she was taken (with or without her consent we do not know) and brought to the beauty pageant for the King; all things probably seemed wrong, but at last the good hand of God showed through and she knew that she was there for "such a time as this". Maybe as is the case with our son, you have an ailment that is going to seem to hinder you; NO do not allow it, despise the notion, for when we are weak then are we strong! Remember that the Lord has a reason for all things, and he does not make any mistakes! These people praised God when they saw his miracle of making the deaf to hear and the blind to see; but before they could be healed they first had to be infirmed. That could be where you are today, so just count the infirmity as the beginning stages of a miracle. Whatever your position is use it as an opportunity to give praise to God. Are you in health? Praise God. Are you distressed? Praise God. Are you at the point of exasperation? Praise God, for he has put you there.Praising God is our duty as humans, never mind as Christians. H.G. Spafford realized this in the midst of the deepest despair and penned the words:
"When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul".

Today can you mount up on wings of faith and cry out "He hath done ALL things well."?

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