Monday, April 13, 2009

"...and limited the Holy One of Israel." Ps78:41

What a sad statement for the Children of God; to limit their Heavenly Father! We see how Israel had all their needs met while in Egypt; then God pulls them from the furnace of affliction with a mighty hand, through the death of the firstborn and the sprinkling of blood. Then the people begin to murmur against God and Moses, and he tells them they will stay in the wilderness for 40 years until the whole generation is dead. While they are in the wilderness though, God takes wonderful care of them, so that nobody in 40 years starves to death in the wilderness! (That in itself is an unmatched feat of accomplishment.) But during all this time of God taking wonderful care of his people they still try to limit him. Why would the people of God try to limit him? We still see the same thing taking place in the world today, so many of the children of God have been miraculously provided for, yet they still say they cannot do what the Lord would have them to do. We must never be caught in this trap that the devil has laid for us. The Lord Jesus himself said that "with God nothing shall be impossible" and with that promise we can stretch out over the hottest flames of hell and be sure that God will not ever, under any circumstances fail us. What is it that the Lord would have you to do? don't limit him, whatever you do! If God wants it done he already has the resources needed to get it done. We can trust him, for his storehouse is full, and unlimited; and his grace is always sufficient. The cause of failure has never been his fault, but always because we limited him! Think about this, and see if you are limiting Him; if so, stop.

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