Wednesday, April 15, 2009

" Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee." Cant. 4:7

What a wonderful exchange is taking place here between the bride and bridegroom. This is one of the most beautiful and intimate love stories ever written, truly it should be so. How we could lay all of the most beautiful, loving, kind and caring words we could smother our blessed redeemer with! He certainly deserves the fairest of the fair words our language, and vocabulary could afford to be placed on him, for he is worthy! How wonderful the grace of God is, he loves us while we are yet unlovely, and cares for us while we are yet dead in trespasses and sins. He deserves all the flowery titles we could place on him, and there is no good title undeserved to be placed on him. We could cry out at all times "Thou art all fair, my love!" and would never be in error. But wait; this passage is the Bridegroom speaking to the Bride!!! Oh how amazing that he would say such things about us: unworthy, unholy, profane, vile, dirty, wicked, sinful vagabonds and beasts! What a wondrous thought it is that when our Lord whose name is Holy and Reverend, views us he sees us as "all fair". When he views us he does not see how vile and pathetic our lives are, he sees us in total, and utter perfection, and righteousness. He does not overlook our faults, he actually places (imputes) his perfect righteousness on us. This righteousness is far greater than our filthy rags, and it is freely given us, through the price he paid for our souls. Oh how wonderful he sees us as spotless, holy, pure, white, clean, righteous. Whatever title we can place on him, he actually places on us!!!
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound!!!!

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