Tuesday, May 19, 2009

" I am this day weak, though anointed..." 2 Sam 3:39

This stands as an open reminder to all who serve the Lord in places of authority that there come times when, though we may be anointed we will sometimes grow weak. The great King David at this moment had done nothing amiss, he had committed no open and egregious sin against the Holy One of Israel, but he was still weak. There are times we grow weak for various reasons, sometimes; as was the case here, there will be others under your authority who will commit some act contrary to your guidance, and this will weaken your hands and spirit. There are other times when you will misstep, and move in a direction that God did not direct you to move in, and this will weaken your hands adn spirit. Many are the ways that our hands and spirit will grow weak; and for these we must carefully watch. We can be sure that even when our hands or spirit grow weak, that God is still God, he is in control and will perfect that which concerneth us. Just because we are weak is no need for despair, for we are still anointed. God still has a job for us to do, and we still must do it. What an opportunity for some dear saint, who thinks their life to be useless, to find their job to pray for the anointed of the Lord. Whenever we see the anointed of God growing weak or weary in their service for their Great Master, it is our responsibility, yea privilege to pray without ceasing for the precious worker of God. There will be no benefit to us, for the anointed to be too weak to carry on their service for God, so I implore you to pray for strength for the servant of God. These times come; there is likely nothing we can do to prevent them; but we can certainly shorten their life span, and deaden their effects by praying for the anointed of the Lord. How long has it been since you prayed for your Pastor?

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